Graphics, Design, and Communication for SMEs since 1989
We all know that every company, focusing on productivity, service quality, and technology, significantly influences its own future.
But beyond that...
It is essential to present customers with an image of efficiency, integrity, and corporate seriousness. One must concern oneself with credibility, the impression the market will form of the company. In essence, all the factors that determine the corporate image must be carefully attended to.
Our clients are primarily located in northern and central Italy. We also operate on a European scale in England, Scotland, Ireland, Germany, Switzerland, Spain, and Finland. Since 2012, we have been operational in Kenya and Israel, and more recently in the USA and Australia.
With over 100 clients ranging from small to large enterprises, each managed with personalized plans, we bring a wealth of expertise accumulated over 30 years in the market.
Our company embraces a forward-thinking philosophy while maintaining deep roots in tradition.
Our most valuable asset is represented by our clients because our professionalism is measurable by what we have been able to provide to the companies that have granted us their trust over the years
AC Plast Robbiese srl; Apex Dental srl; Boverio Luigi srl; Brema Car srl; Centro Culturale G. La Pira; Coldiretti Pavia; Compattabili™; Comune di Pavia; Comune di Albuzzano; Continental Italia spa; Corripavia; Costa Box snc; C.P.T. Comitato Paritetico Territoriale; Dea Servizi; D&D srl; Delphin 5 spa; Dieffe Packaging srl; Delta srl; DOA srl; Edibrico srl; Esedil; Eta Box snc; ETM Elettromeccanica Masarati; Euroklimat spa; F.A.M.L.I.; Fondazione I Solisti di Pavia; Ford Italiana spa; F.lli Della Fiore spa; Gomme on line Italia; Ideallux srl; Immobiliare VAM srl; ITF srl; Japan Foundation; Lara Maiocchi B&B; MAG-Autoblok spa; Manazza Gefra spa; Mazda Motor Italia spa; M.C.M. Auto spa; Milantractor spa; MKF; N World srl; Nuova Faor srl; Olio Tuscanese DOP; OBEL srl; OML srl; Polimedica Cairoli; Cinema Teatro Politeama; Priolinox spa; Prisma Noleggi srl; Publidata; Quamar srl; Quattrozampe alle Terme; Rampini srl; Sesamo; Radici Gin; Rognoni Divisione Salute sas; ROLMA srl; Soleevento srl; Stoneboxes™; Studio AB; SOA; Teatro "G. Fraschini"; Teatro Sociale Stradella; Tekno Paint; Tekno Proget srl; Tieffe spa; Top Metal srl; Torre srl; Tower Light srl; Trime spa; U.O.F.A.A.; Università degli Studi di Pavia Dipartimento di Medicina Legale; WLP Dust srl; W-Techno™; 5L Abbigliamento
Ashtead Plant Hire (UK); Eagle Plant Hire Ltd (UK); Energy Generator Hire Ltd (UK); GAP group (UK); Gen Air (UK); Location One Ldt (UK); J. Murphy & Sons Limited (UK); MHM UK Limited; Newmarket Plant Hire Ltd (UK); Trime UK Ltd (UK)
Drogheda (IE); GPT (IE); Hireco (IE); Navan Hiree (IE); Power Plant Hire & Sales (IE); Treaty Plant Hire Ltd (IE)
FTG Equipment (USA); SMW Autoblok Corporation (USA); Tecnomagnete Inc. (USA)
Fabia ltd (EAK); Golden Rome (EAK); Ital Pharma (EAK); Magic Drops (EAK)
BOELS (NL); Trime North B.V. (NL)
SMW-Autoblok Spannsysteme GmbH (D); Tecnomagnete GmbH (D)
Castér sa (E); Stile Progetti sa (E)
Tecnomagnete sarl (F)
Rubbit sarl (MC)
Cramo (FI)
Boccadoro sa (CH); TEHMA sa (CH)
Or-Shy (IL)
Trime Asia Pacific (AU)
Copyright 1989-2024 MV Design. All rights reserved.
P.IVA: IT 02697250187
MV Design
Via Cascina Mensi 12
27010 Albuzzano PV - Italy
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